Welcome to the Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology was originally from the division of psychology under the supervision of the department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University. It was approved by the university to offer a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at the beginning on February 15, 2000.
Four years later, the Council of Naresuan University had approved to restructure the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences by divided into four faculties which were the faculty of Humanities, the faculty of Law, the faculty of Management and Information Science and the faculty of Social Sciences for the purpose of having more flexibility and efficiency. Since then, the Division of Psychology has moved under the supervision of the faculty of Social Sciences and continued to offer a Bachelor degree in Psychology.
In 2007, the division of psychology had evaluated and revised a structure of curriculum again and renamed it as a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and started using a revised one in academic year 2008. In 2010, it was promoted to be the department of psychology by Naresuan University board meeting at the 149 (1/2007) on January 16, 2007.
At present, the Department of Psychology is offering Bachelor of Sciences in Psychology which are divided into three areas; Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Industrial Psychology
Teaching students to be a moral person, to have a strong academic, to have professional skills at the international level, to have an excellence in research, and social conscience.
- producing psychology graduates.
- promoting research
- providing academic service for community.
- conserving arts, culture and tradition.
- To produce graduates to be an academic excellence by developing the learner according to a rule of ethical and professional standard of psychologist and fulfill a need of a work place as follows;
1.1. Having knowledge and understanding in psychology in explaining, predicting controlling, and changing human behavior in scientific method.
1.2. Being able to integrate psychology, sciences, mathematics, and related fields for the application of psychological test and assessments to solve problems by using psychotherapy counseling, and organizational developing.
1.3. Being able to arrange a plan to conduct research correctly and creatively based on research methodology and ethical standard for psychology.
1.4. Performing a job with full responsibility and spending one life with a conscience of morality and ethical standards of psychology.
1.5. Maintaining a physical health, psychological, and spiritual health. - To promote research for the purpose of developing new knowledge and innovation for the preparation of research based university. To encourage personnel and students in creating excellence research to publicize, make a connection, and offer academic services to community in both nationally and internationally.
- To provide a variety of academic services in fulfilling the needs of communities and society in order to make its strength.
- To conserve arts, culture and tradition in order to encourage personnel and students to be conscience in maintaining Thai arts and culture in a variety forms in both nationally and internationally.